Growing Wedding Flowers
A late season garden bouquet
Perhaps it is like making an apple pie using apples from your own tree or sending out greeting cards you designed yourself. I’m feeling the same way about next year and growing the flowers used in my wedding bouquets. I’ve been digging and planting and planning my gardens to accommodate the bridal floral trends and growing what I love to enjoy myself.
Having started in 2019, I have a number of things established such as David Austen garden roses. Their lovely and delicate faces emit the best rose fragrance. Creating bouquets that fill the whole room with their scent. Each year I add more when I can find them. They haven’t been quite so easy to buy in garden shops here in France. Once I spot their signature green pots, I excitedly start looking for one I don’t have. I’ve been a fan of his roses for years. They are classics and will have a couple white ones for bouquets next year.
12 lavender plants ready for
When you think of a farm, you imagine it quite large. There is a lot of land surrounding my ‘farm’ but I have a small corner with prepared beds where seedlings will grow. Some of my flowers are planted in landscaping type garden sections around the house. If there is an empty space, it will find itself in company with a flowering plant. But, I’m starting small and little by little my inventory has grown.
Brides have been wanting less formal bouquets; loose and airy, looking like they don’t care. The word in French is champetre and in English maybe we would say boho. The idea is having a flower bouquet and the decoration similar as if you picked the flowers yourself. This wonderful style allows for variety, color and flexibility in flower choices. Anytime a couple sends their inspiration photos with color I rejoice!
And since the fall months are the best time in this climate in Auvergne, France, many flowers such as tulips, heleboro, freesia, ranunculus and anemone have been planted. Gardening is inherently hopeful. And planting this fall I remain excited by the possibilities and hope for a great season next year while enjoying the season now.